Don Juan DeMarco

Poster for the movie "Don Juan DeMarco"

Don Juan DeMarco (1994)

97 min - Romance, Drama, Comedy - 12 October 1994
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John Arnold DeMarco is a man who believes he is Don Juan, the greatest lover in the world. Clad in a cape and mask, DeMarco undergoes psychiatric treatment with Dr. Jack Mickler to cure him of his apparent delusion. But the psychiatric sessions have an unexpected effect on the psychiatric staff and, most profoundly, Dr Mickler, who rekindles the romance in his complacent marriage.

Director:  Jeremy Leven


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John Arnold DeMarco is a man who believes he is Don Juan, the greatest lover in the world. Clad in a cape and mask, DeMarco undergoes psychiatric treatment with Dr. Jack Mickler to cure him of his apparent delusion. But the psychiatric sessions have an unexpected effect on the psychiatric staff and, most profoundly, Dr Mickler, who rekindles the romance in his complacent marriage.

Collections: Jeremy Leven

Tagline: The story of the man who thought he was the greatest lover in the world... and the people who tried to cure him of it!

Genres: Romance, Drama, Comedy


Official Website: 
Language:  English
Release Date:  12 October 1994

Box Office

Budget:  $25,000,000
Revenue:  $68,792,531

Company Credits

Technical Specs

Runtime:  1 h 37 min
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