On Deadly Ground

Poster for the movie "On Deadly Ground"

On Deadly Ground (1994)

R 101 min - Action - 18 February 1994
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Forrest Taft is an environmental agent who works for the Aegis Oil Company in Alaska. Aegis Oil's corrupt CEO is the kind of person who doesn't care whether or not oil spills into the ocean or onto the land—just as long as it's making money for him.

Director:  Steven Seagal


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Forrest Taft is an environmental agent who works for the Aegis Oil Company in Alaska. Aegis Oil's corrupt CEO is the kind of person who doesn't care whether or not oil spills into the ocean or onto the land—just as long as it's making money for him.

Collections: Steven Seagal

Tagline: His battle to save the Alaskan wilderness and protect its people can only be won On Deadly Ground.

Genres: Action


Official Website: 
Language:  English
Release Date:  18 February 1994

Box Office

Budget:  $50,000,000
Revenue:  $49,000,000

Company Credits

Technical Specs

Runtime:  1 h 41 min
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