Seabreeze Chicken
Crush crackers into powder and place in small Pyrex tray, that is wide enough to accommodate a flattened chicken breast.
Add parmesan cheese to tray and mix ingredients well.
Add sour cream to second small Pyrex tray, and place a third, larger baking tray next to the cracker mixture tray.
Press both sides of a chicken breast into the sour cream and then into the cracker mixture until fully coated. Place in larger baking tray and repeat with all breasts.
Bake in glass dish for 45 minutes at 375 degrees, or until golden brown and just starting to blacken.
Isolate the raw chicken area to prevent contact with other non-baked food items. Clean prep area immediately after use. Do not reuse sour cream and cracker mixture in the trays. Dispose of it immediately while chicken is cooking.